Sunday, July 17, 2011

merry christmas !!!!

 Well this is the second time ive posted this getting fed up now mr blogger !!! i posted earlier now when i checked my blog it had vanished !! i didnt delete it so goodness only knows what happened but its one thing after another at the moment arrrrggggggg ......right anyway on to this weeks challenge at paper sundaes as you have probably gathered from the title its christmas in july !!! ive used flying tilda o make these tags and coloured with copics ,the sponsor this week is simon says stamp so well worth digging out your chrissy stash !! 

hugs sara x x x


angelwhispers said...

Mr Blogger is so naughty Sara I nearly missed these beauties!!! Chanelle xxx

Lori said...

Sara your colouring is so soft and creamy it's gorgeous, I love the simple design of these, they're gorgeous!

Blissful Paper Creations said...

Sarah these are just so adorable . . . far too sweet to be actually used : )
Love your colouring, are you artist trained or self taught?
Blogger has definitely got some gremlin issues at the moment but we still gotta love it!!!
Warm wishes, Julie Ann x

chrissy xx said...

Fabulous! You can put any one of these on my Christmas parcel lol. LOve them all!!

Christine said...

Sara, your tags are so gorgeous! Love your flying angel Tilda!

Teresa said...

These are fabulous Sara I saw them earlier on the blog, they look great xx

coops said...

aw these are gorgeous sara.the tildas are really sweet and fab pretty colours :D

xx coops xx

Loz said...

these are gorgeous! I may just have to borrow your idea :)

Kathleen said...

Love these Sara, did catch them earlier but mr blogger played up and I couldn't leave a message, now I can and I love them, will make any gift extra special. Hugs kat xx

Crystal said...

These tags are absolutely fabulous & such a great idea! Definitely want to make some like these. Fabulous colouring too!

Pirkkis said...

Lovely ♥. Are these made with a little stamp? I´m still wauiting them arriving to Finland :o(

Jenny said...

What fun that you chose to colour colour and colour with your Copics. Now that is my idea of bliss. Gorgeous tags. I can see that my Christmas tags this year may look very similar to these. Ta for the inspiration. hugs jenny b x

Katy said...

Love the tags they are so cute!! xx