Evening everyone no card today im affraid but i was given this scrummy looking award by the super talented
cor check out her blog and see what i mean !!! thanks so much cor, now the rules say i have to share 7 things about myself then i can pass it on to 8 other bloggers so ....

1- i have 2 small boys
2-i used to work as a nurse before i had them
3-my craft room is a floor to ceiling pink haven from a house of men!!
4-i have a house rabbitt called george
5-dont like the grey bits in my hair so i dye it !!
6-my nan taught me to crochet when i was 12 ive been addicted to craft ever since
7-i cant get my head around all the remote control's o/h has so get my 5 year old to do it !!!
right now for the people i pass it onto
kat -coz she only just started her blog but is doing really well and cards are fab
lori -just because she is amazing !!!
mel-i love her cards and her colouring is fantastic
karina -her sweet pea cards are stunning
katy-her cards are so pretty and she doesnt give herself enough credit !!
fleur-coz she is super talented and i love her style
becca -amazing colouring with copics
hugs sara x x x